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Akron Food Bank
June 20 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Join us to volunteer at the Akron Food Bank on Friday, June 20th! We work from 9:00 to 11:30 am and then go for breakfast/lunch! It’s very rewarding but also lots of fun!
Adult Volunteer Application
Youth Volunteer Application (ages 10-17)
Preparing for your visit, main Akron Campus:
- The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank’s Main Campus is located at 350 Opportunity Parkway, Akron, OH 44307, at the corner of Dart Avenue and Opportunity Parkway off of OH-59 near Downtown Akron. Get Directions.
- Please park in our visitor/volunteer lot and enter through our front glass doors.
Preparing for your visit, Stark County Campus:
- The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank’s Stark County Campus is located at 1365 Cherry Ave. NE, Canton, Ohio 44714. Get Directions
- When you arrive, please park in our visitor/volunteer parking lot and enter through our front glass doors.
What to wear:
- Per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 and mask guidance, masks are optional for guests and volunteers.
- Safety is our priority! Please note that open-toed shoes are not permitted in the warehouse. Jewelry is not permitted in the clean room and we recommend wearing limited jewelry when volunteering.
- Comfortable shoes are recommended as you may be on your feet the entire time.
- It is best to dress in layers. The weather outside may affect the temperature inside the warehouse.